The historical event of Pran Prathishta
happened at Ayodhya [ U.P] on 22nd January 2024 at 12.29.08pm.
And we all know that much has been said in media on this issue.
Let me raise the chart of the moment to evaluate the quality of Muhurtha by sharing the relevant shlokas from Vriddha Vasistha Samihita chapter forty, so that all the reader will understand the Muhurtha of this auspicious ceremony .
Here I would like to mention that objections were raised by Shankryachryajee of Jyotir Math, Uttranchal on the Pran Prathistha of incomplete temple by giving the logic that Pran Prathishtha cannot be done in the temple which is incomplete. The temple is like the body of the God and the sculpture of lord Rama is like the soul. I fully respect his views but unable to provide any reference as it is the part of Dharma Shastra not astrology.
First I am giving the essence of the Shloka and then the observation relevant to Pran Prathishtha Muhurtha .
The above Shloka is saying that Pran Prathistha of lord Shiva and lord Vishnu should be done in Uttarayan[ when Sun is transiting in Northern hemisphere] and Venus and Jupiter should not be combust.
Observation: In Pran Prathishtha Muhurtha Sun in Capricorn [ Uttarayan] and Venus and Jupiter are not combust . So the above condition is fulfilled.
The above Shlokas suggesting Magha , Phagun, Jyetha, Vaishkha are the auspicious months for consecration. Ashadha month to Kartik months are not auspicious. Pausha month is also not auspicious even if the Sun is in Uttarayan [ Northern Hemisphere]
Observation: The Pran Prathishtha was done in Pausha month when Sun was transiting in Capricorn. So the above condition was not fulfilled.
The essence of above Shloka is, except from first Tithi[ Pratipada] of Shukla Paksha and the last one third part of Krishna Paksha, all the Tithis[dates] are auspicious.
Observation: The Pran Prathisha was done on 12th Tithi of Shukla Paksha when Moon is considered full without any malefic effect to Moon . Also Moon was exalted in 2nd house of the Muhurtha chart . So the above condition is fulfilled.
Moreover Moon was transiting in Taurus the strongest house in the chart of our Country [ 15.08.1947, 00.00 hrs , New Delhi]having 44 ashtakvarga points . And Moon was in 11th house from the Moon of the chart of the nation. So it was excellent.
As per the above text the following constellations are auspicious for Pran Prathishtha - Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Mula, Shrawan, Dhanishtha, Shatbhisha, Revati, Ashwini, Punarvasu, Pushya, Uttrabhadrapad, Uttraashdha, Uttraphalhuni, Rohini, Mrigshira.
Observation: Pran Prathishta was done in Mrigshira Nakshtra[constellation] so the above condition was fulfilled.
The above shloka is guiding that consecration is auspicious on all the days except Tuesday.
Observation; Pran Prathistha was done on Monday. Moreover it was in Mrigshira Nakshtra[constellation] making it a very auspicious Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga.
The above shloka is saying that consecration should be done before 12pm, in auspicious Muhurtha in the Lagna with benefice planet or aspected by benefice planet . The Lagna or Moon should not be 8th house from birth Lagna.
Observation; The Pran Prathistha Lagna is with Jupiter the most benevolent planet, done in auspicious Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga. But it was after 12pm in Abhijeet Muhurtha.
The above two shlokas are saying that five main planets like Jupiter, Sun , Moon etc should be in the Navmansha of auspicious planets [ Moon, Mercury , Jupiter , Venus ] and the Lagna of Muhurtha should be in fixed sign and fixed navmansha . Movable Lagna sign and movable Navmansha sign should be avoided.
Observation: Here Sun[Jupiter], Moon[Mercury], Jupiter[Moon] and Lagna lord Mars[Mercury] in benefice navmansha sign. But Lagna is in movable sign with fixed sign Navmansha Lagna.
The above Shloka is saying that Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn in Pran Prathistha Lagna brings death to the person . Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in Lagna brings good health, money and long life.
Observation; The Pran Prathistha Lagna has Jupiter under the sign exchange with Lagna Lord Mars in 9th House . So the above condition is fulfilled. Due to this respected Sh. Ganeshwar Shastri jee of Varansi has taken movable sign, Aries Lagna .
The above shloka is saying a benefice planet in 2nd house of lagna or Moon gives money, sons and is very auspicious.
Observation; Full Moon is in 2nd house in exaltation sign without any malefic effect in Pran Prathistha Lagna. May be due to this the respected astrologer Mr Ganeshwar Shastri has take Aries Lagna.
The above Shloka is saying that the benefice planet or Moon in 9th house will give victory. Malefic planets give suffering and grief.
Observation: In Pran Prathistha Lagna 9th house has Venus, Mercury aspected by Jupiter from Lagna. Mars in 9th house is also under the sign exchange with Jupiter. So three benefices are influencing the 9th house [Dharma]. Due to this the respected astrologer has taken movable Aries Lagna.
The above shloka is saying that in Pran Prathistha Lagna if one of the benefice planets among Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is present with strength, it will ward off all the defects [ Doshas] of the Muhurtha.
Observation; Jupiter in Lagna with directional strength as 9th lord[Dharma] , exalted in navmansha under sign exchange with lagna lord Mars is very auspicious . This is the reason why Aries [movable] Lagna was taken by the respected astrologer.
Pran Prathistha was not only done in Abhijeet muhurtha but Sun was also in Abhijeet constellation, in the Hora of benefice Venus well placed in 9th house of Dharma. Lagna chart, Navmansha chart, Dreshkone chart are under the influence of benevolent Jupiter.
Abhijeet muhurtha; 24 minutes nominal before and after Local Noon Time [ LNT], which is capable of destroying innumerable Doshas and is arguably one of the best election for initiating all types of work. This is one of the most efficacious and benefice Muhurtha. This is ruled by Abhijeet constellation –a benefice one.
Lord Rama was born during day time in Abhijeet Muhurtha . Lord Shiva killed a powerful demon named Tripurasur in this Muhurtha. During Abhijeet Muhurtha travel , coronation, marriage and all Mangalika activities bestows beneficence.
Sage Narad has advised during Abhijeet Muhurtha the Sun being in the middle of 10th house Dosha like Bhadra, Vyatiapaat, Utpaat and Doshas generated by planets are eliminated. Abhijeet Muhurtha starts from 24 minutes before the Local Noon time and remains till 24 minutes thereafter [ 1 Muhurtha =48 minutes].
Conclusion ; The Muhurtha given by Sh Ganeshwar Shastri is one of the best under the circumstances and time frame given by Rama Mandir trust.
This Muhurtha suggests the soon Rama Mandir trust will be one of the richest due to very strong 4th lord Moon in in 2nd house and more and more land will be added in the final shape of the temple.
Published in Express Star Teller March 2024 issue
Written and Researched by Sunil Dutt