The whole world was surprised when Mr. Asif Ali Zardari announced that his daughter would be the first lady of Pakistan on 10th March 2024 . We know that his wife, Benazir Bhutto, was assassinated in December 2007. This is the first time in the country's history that a president's daughter, instead of his wife, has been given this official title. Since the birth details [February 3rd, 1993, 15:41 Hrs, London] of Ms. Asifa Zardari are available on astrodatabank with an A rating, let's evaluate the chart to uncover the real reason.
For Cancer Lagna, the combination of Moon (the Lagna Lord) and Mars (Yogakaraka, 5th lord, and 10th Lord) is considered the number one Rajyoga according to Uddya Pradeep(Laghuprashari). This combination occurs in the 12th house from Lagna. The 12th house is associated with foreign lands and is also the 4th house from the 9th house. Since she was born in London, Pakistan is considered a foreign land for her.
Moreover, Jupiter, the 9th Lord, is aspecting the 9th house (representing the Father), and Venus is the 4th and 11th Lord. According to Jatakadeshmarga Chapter 17 Shloka 9, the 9th Lord in the 3rd house makes the person fortunate as it aspects its own house. Currently, the Mahadasha (Vimshottari) of Jupiter is ongoing, and Jupiter is exalted in the Navamsa chart. As a result, her father (who is the 9th Lord and represents the 9th house) assumed the office of President of Pakistan. Furthermore, from the 9th house perspective, the combination of Moon and Mars forms a Rajyoga in the 4th house (which symbolizes the throne), and the antar Dasha of Moon was going on in March 2024. Pratyantar Dasha Lord Venus is exalted in the 9th House (Father) under the aspect of the 9th Lord Jupiter and 7th Lord Saturn .
Additionally, Jupiter is positioned in the 4th house from the Moon, forming the Gajkeshri Yoga, and it is under the aspect of Mars, the 5th and 10th lord, creating another Rajyoga. At that time, she was under the Jupiter-Moon-Venus dasha sequence, with Venus and Mercury in the Navamsachart forming an excellent Rajyoga. Furthermore, Moon and Venus are positioned in the 3- 11th axis with each other in the D-9 chart, which is praised in B.P.H.S. (Brihat Parashara HoraShastra). In transit Jupiter was in Aries in 10th House of Aseefa and Saturn was in Aquarius aspecting the Jupiter in 10th House, activating the 10th House [House of honor] Since conditional dasha does not apply to this chart, the event can be verified using Jaimini Char Dasha. The event of her father assuming the office of President and her becoming the first lady of Pakistan is validated through astrology. Moon, the anter Dasha Lord, positioned in the 12th house under an excellent Rajyoga with Mars [5th Lord and 10th Lord], and Jupiter, the Mahadasha Lord, aspecting its own house and the exalted 4th Lord Venus, contributed to her becoming the first lady.
Published in Express Star Teller July 2024 Issue
Written and Researched by Sunil Dutt